Cabbage Rolls

Published on 19 September 2024 at 21:41

There's nothing like a stomachache and blog deadline to get the brain going. Welcome to the ramble! Just kidding I'm going to tell yall about these amazing cabbage rolls I made this week and hope it lulls me to sleep for another hour or two before my latest doctors’ appointments and work.
   The cabbage rolls came from sitting on TikTok at the ER with Alex for a cyst inspection. The cabbage rolls I found were vegan but looked delicious. I knew my family wouldn't go for that, so I modified and moved on. When I went looking for a recipe online, I took a read on where they came from. The people in ancient middle east started making them. Once trade roots to Central and Eastern Europe the dish went with. Every community has different recipes; Romanians and northern Poles prefer a savory sauce, while Jews from Galicia and Ukraine favor sweet-and-sour.
   When I started cooking the ingredients they were giving off Mediterranean vibes and those were the seasonings I used as well; here's how I made it. I browned up a pound of ground beef and cooked my rice. I used brown rice which I'll tell you why in next week’s blog. It's that one I said was boring and needed a rewrite. Anyways, cut up whatever vegetables you're using. I had some onion, bell pepper, carrot, celery, and spinach that I cut up and mixed into the bowl with the meat and rice. As far as seasoning is concerned, you can use whatever makes you smile. I used Italian, chili powder, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, and country bobs seasoning. While that cools so you can handle the stuffing, steam your cabbage off the root. I don't know any other way to explain it. Cabbage is grown around the little root so the easiest way to pull apart the leaves. Once they come apart steam the individual cabbage leaves for like five mins and cut the white stock out of the middle. Then fill the leaves and roll them up. I put some tomato sauce in the bottom of the baking dish as a bed for my cabbage rolls to nestle into and bale them at 350 for like 20 to 30 mins. Everything is already cooked your just warming it through and killing the last of any bacteria. If you're feeling really fancy put a dollop of sour cream and fresh dill on top.
   Speaking of work, it's going a lot better honestly. We're in the process of unionizing so it's getting a little less stressful and the hours are getting better. I never know what day of the week it is anymore but I'm more fulfilled and feeling happier. It's amazing when I don't have to worry about everyone, it's a lot easier to focus on what's important. We're still working in progress but life feels a little lighter these days. As always if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out via email or comment below... Be Blessed!

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