Come sit with me as I share all the crazy stores from my career



I've worked every job title in the kitchen, from dishwasher to owner of a small catering company. The passion really started young for me mostly because it was immediately satisfying. I can't read very well from late diagnosis of dyslexia so my learned quickly to memorize everything to make up for it. Cooking didn't make me use words, it textures and tastes. We moved a lot when I was a kid so we were onto the next place before I could get the help I needed. When I was in high school I went to a technical school that taught me a small amount culinary skill. I would find in college my skills skyrocketed after I barely passed my first class. Chef quickly showed me, I had plenty of raw talent with no clue as to how to develop into a great chef. What she told me at the end of the class has stayed with me through my entire career; getting some great feedback from the amazing chefs at Johnson and Wales has given me the spark I needed to get through college, married and divorced, started my career. Once I started believing in myself, I started getting the jobs I wanted. Which lead me here so I could write it all down and share it with you all as well all the crazy things I've seen heard and experienced. So, pull up a chair grab some grub and let's dig right in.