Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Published on 11 September 2024 at 23:54

I'm going to start this whole blog off with I'm not a baker, so you know this is a brag on my husband for letting me help him. I’m writing while he's getting some doctors’ appointments done.
  We had a major breakthrough at my work, so he baked me a cake to celebrate. This happens to be my favorite cake because it reminds me of my childhood. My grandpa would make one every time we came over. He used to let me help just like my husband does. Anytime I try to bake anything other than pie dough, it doesn't come out right, so I leave it either to Alex or the store to make desserts, but I was feeling like I could do it, so I asked to help. He let me mix the batter and stir in the strawberries.
  While writing I wanted to figure out who made the first pineapple upside down cake. A quick Google search tells me that it was sent into a recipe contest in 1925 to Dole for the best pineapple dish, receiving over 2,000 submissions. The winning recipe was submitted by Mrs. Robert Davis of Norfolk, Virginia, and Dole promoted it widely in magazine ads and articles.
   Alex made this one really special and added a second tier with strawberries and a frosting with pineapple cherries and strawberry in it to complement the flavors of the cake. The cakes that were blended to perfection by well me of course, were strawberry flavored. Alex placed the fruit in the pan as he told me the batter can't have any lumps in it and tells me to add the oil and water alternately so as to not create a curdled batter and easier to evenly distribute. After we poured half the batter into the first pan, he added strawberries I had cut up a few minutes before into the remaining batter as I stirred to evenly distribute them through the batter. Then we added the 2nd cake to the pan baked and I watched as Alex held his breathe when it was time to turn the cakes.
  I'm so grateful for this man that came into my life when I couldn't make room for anyone. I think he believes in me more than I do. He's my best friend and my bestest cheerleader. This whole blog was his idea for me to be able to tell my friends all the stories I tell him.
   Thank you for coming along on this journey with us. As always if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out via email or comment below.  

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