Chicken Noodle Soup

Published on 15 November 2023 at 20:04

This week was kind of a bust. I was sick for most of it, and all I want on days like this is chicken noodle soup. I’m going to give you some tips and tricks to make it delicious and put the most nutrients in it that we can.

First of all, I hardly ever get sick maybe once a year, or when I’m stressed. Obviously, with my wedding in less than a week it’s been pretty stressful, but I was hoping to wait until after my work week to be on bedrest. Alex has been a saint, getting me anything I need even though he hasn’t felt well in weeks. Thankfully I think I’m on the mend, but I missed one of the busiest days of work this month. One thing about me I’m never going to miss work unless its unavoidable. Mostly because the last time I skipped school my momma put the fear of God in me to never play hooky again. Funny thing is CPS was called cuz I got a public beating from hell. It took her legit all the way to the house for her to stop. How that woman can drive a stick shift and slap the hell out of me still baffles me and this was my senior year of high school. Anyways, In the spirit of fall days with a stuffy noise here’s my chicken noodle soup recipe.

First, I roast my chicken at 350 until the internal temp is 165 in the fattest part of the chicken. It doesn’t matter what part of the chicken you use but you want to season your chicken with whatever you want to. I use salt pepper turmeric and country bobs. Save the juice from the chicken, you’ll need that later. Then cut up the mirepoix big word for onions carrots and celery, so Id cut them in like inch cubes. Saute in tbsp or 2 of oil and the juices from the chicken. Add salt and id use white pepper to taste, and I use like 2 tbsp salt and 1 tsp pepper and cook them for like 10 minutes until they are brown and slightly tender. Deglaze pan with ½ cup white wine or white wine vinegar; that means you want to scrape the bottom of the pan until the stuck parts become part of the sauce. Then when it reduces by half add a carton of chicken stock or ½ gallon of water with 3 bouillon cubes dissolved in it. Even if you use the stock, you can still put a bouillon cube in there. After that add chopped/shredded chicken into the pot and bring to a boil and reduce to simmer. Give it like 30 minutes and add egg noodles or whichever noodles you prefer. I like to add some fresh parsley to mine but it’s not necessary.

As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact through email or commenting below. Be Blessed!!!!

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