Warm Pasta Salad

Published on 9 November 2023 at 08:15

This week is probably going to be straightforward and getting to the recipe. My brain is just about mush being 10 days to wedding. It’s been stressful and trying this week, but nothing compared to the last wedding I had. That man can kick rocks in his socks. I’ll give you the short version before we dive in. I was moving from charlotte NC to savannah ga graduating college and getting married within a week of each other. Obviously, I was trying to do too much, but the day before the wedding my ex-husband and my mother got into an argument. I had been stuck in the middle for months and was ready to let them both have it but instead I told them both to work it out. I went to smoke and heard a door slam and screaming then went downstairs to leave dragging my maid of honor down the stairs with him. When I found them, he was trying to calm down but not before he smashed out the back window of our car, broke a cd in the cd player, and pulled the rearview mirror off the front window. Once everything calmed down, we got married the next day and we went about life as a married couple.

Since I’m in a rush today we’re doing a simple side dish I call warm couscous salad. I cut up and sauté whatever vegetables are in the refrigerator. Today that’s onion garlic mushrooms bell peppers and kale.  While you’re cutting up the vegetables cook the couscous according to the package. Mine was 1 ½ cups water 1 tbsp olive oil and salt and 1 cup couscous. Bring water to boil and add the rest of the ingredients. Cook until water evaporates. Once couscous is cooked add it to sauté pan with vegetables and sauté a minute or 2 to incorporate flavors. I add balsamic vinaigrette and 2 tbsp honey mustard and enjoy.

As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me by email or comment below. Be Blessed friends!!!

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