Breakfast Quesadillas

Published on 1 November 2023 at 10:21

I was in the mood for some breakfast this morning and this is what I had on hand. Let's first say waking up in the morning is the most difficult thing to me. Like I'm the person that needs 3 alarms so I can lay in bed a little longer. Ask anyone who has ever tried to wake me, and they'll tell you it's the biggest of chores.  Basically, if I get breakfast, I must make it myself.

These next few weeks are going to go very quickly with our wedding in 18 days. If I’m not as elaborate with my posts don’t think yall aren’t important, it just means my juggling skills are a little rusty. Today I had some tortillas, eggs, sliced ham, and provolone cheese. My specialty is looking in the kitchen to see what we have and making it delicious because that’s how I was taught to cook by my grandpa. Alex says those are the best meals I make because no one ever knows what it’s going to be until it comes out of the oven.

I cooked the eggs in what I lovingly refer to as my grilled cheese pan: it’s just a flat skillet most people cook pancakes on. For something like this you need to cook the eggs over hard: meaning the yolk is cooked all the way through. While the eggs were cooking, I warmed the ham and put the quesadillas together with the sliced provolone. Then ham and eggs were layered on and more provolone. You want to cook them until the cheese insides melts and the tortillas are crispy.

As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to email me or comment below. Be Blessed!!

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