Grilled Cheese

Published on 24 October 2023 at 16:22

Theres very few dishes that fly out of the kitchen faster than grilled cheese and tomato soup. I’m going to show yall how to make it quick, simple, and delicious. This is my secret recipe, so if you use it don’t share it. All these tricks and tips I’ve been sharing with yall could really put me out of business.

I’m not sure where my love of grilled cheese came from but the first time, I remembered having both grilled cheese and tomato soup at my grandparents. I was probably 6 when my grandpa showed me that it tastes better when you dip the grilled cheese into the tomato soup. I didn’t like the texture, but it was delicious. The only thing I didn’t like was that my grandpa used Cambels soup with milk in it. It’s very watery and just didn’t taste very good. I started a few years ago finding a recipe that works and is creamier and more luxurious.

I normally use the big tomatoes and cut them up into quarters with 2 big handfuls of cherry tomatoes, a half onion, and a few cloves of garlic. Add a few drizzles of olive oil salt and oregano and roast those at 350 degrees for like 20 minutes or everything has browned.  While the soup bits are cooking in the oven I always start on my grilled cheese. I cook my grilled cheese like we do in the restaurant. I like some ham in mine normally, so I warm the ham up. Butter the bread on one side with some cheese to start the melting process add the ham and close the sandwich. Once the tomatoes are done in the oven take them out and blend them with half cup stock and a quarter cup of heavy cream. If it’s a little thick bring to a boil on the stove until it’s your desired thickness.

As always thank you for reading. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please either email me or comment below. Stay warm and Be Blessed!!

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