
Published on 18 October 2023 at 12:41

I’ve been craving some quiche so we’re going to make some today. This week has been nuts since our wedding is a month away. Let’s just say we got boxes of cute décor everywhere is what it feels like. It reminds me of the first catering gig I pulled off by myself. It was a women’s ministry lunch at my church. I took off the morning before and the morning of, so I worked my regular job the night before and like 2 hours after it was over. My issue was I put the quiche in too big of a pan and had to cook it forever, and by the end my nerves were shot. When I get all upset, I start crying and basically shut down. Thankfully I took a minute to gather my thoughts and finished the job. After those two days I remember sleeping like the entire next day.

Today were making vegetables with bacon quiche. When I make it, I take all vegetables and roast them while I cook the bacon. I cook my bacon in the oven so its less mess to clean up and so that its evenly cook. Set your bacon on a sheet tray lined with a cooling rack to catch the bacon fat. The other secret I have for making quiche is you must get a lot of air into those eggs. I crack the eggs and mix them with a hand mixer on high for at least 3 minutes to break the yolk and get enough air in the whites. Once the veggies have roasted and the bacon is done put them all in the pan and cook the quiche at 325. The amount of time you cook it really depends on how many eggs and veggies you put in it. I say start with 30 minutes and check it the same way you check a cake. The trick to the quiche not sticking to the pan is to let it cool slightly in the oven before cutting it.

As always if you have any questions comments or concerns please email me or post a comment below. Be Blessed!!!

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