Pot Roast

Published on 10 October 2023 at 16:56

Last night at work we had what I would call very ok pot roast. My manager hyped it up way too much for loving beefy mac MREs, so my coworkers and I all went to try it. We harassed him for the rest of the night for his taste in food. They all asked at the same time for me to make a better one, so I’m going to share my secrets with yall.

Pot roast is one of those dinners that makes my heart warm. I remember many of Sunday afternoons growing up at my grandparent’s house having pot roast that just fell apart and was the start of my love for cooking. I’d wake up early for church to help grandpa get lunch started.  

When I make my own roast, I do it a little differently than we did when I was growing up. First, I buy the whole roast and butcher it myself by cutting it into chunks, so it cooks more evenly. Season every side of the meat with salt pepper and seasoning salt. The key is to season the meat before you sear off the meat to seal in the flavor and juices of the meat. By searing I mean leave the meat in the pan until it turns a dark brown color. Be sure not to move it until it releases from the pan. Then repeat this process with all sides of the roast and the carrots onions and potatoes before throwing all of it in the crockpot with some beef stock and cook on low for at least 6 hours.

As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns please either email me or comment below! Be Blessed Friends!!!

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