Self Care

Published on 3 October 2023 at 22:03

This week we're going to talk about burnout and the importance of self-care. If you're anything like me, you're not accustomed to slowing down even if you don't feel well. In my case other people are legit counting on me being on my game no matter what; however, when I'm not I have a few go to tricks to put me in a better head space.

My first hack to self-care is taking a bubble bath. This is something I try to do once a week or so to just rest and get my mind to relax. Something about the bubbles and Epsom salt mixing relaxes me very quickly. I have the added benefit of my parents having a whirlpool tub and a tv to watch while I’m taking a bath but even just 30 minutes after a long day or at the end of the work week is a real game changer.

Another hack that works for me is to take a drive. Normally its after a long day or week at work I like to roll down the windows, turn up the radio, and take the long way home through the country roads. It defiantly gives me the feeling of being in my hometown and is a quick way to reset before taking on the next task on my list.

The last hack I’ll tell yall about is cooking. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or for any actual reason, but it takes me back to my childhood. When walking into a quiet kitchen it’s a different almost calming experience for me. I like to think because it’s my calling in life to feel people not just with food but feeding their spirit as well. So at least twice a week I like to make dinner for my family, and soon ill have food truck to cook food for the masses.

So here’s the take away from this weeks rambling. Make a list of things that bring you joy and do them as often as possible to keep yourself stable even in the hard times. There will always be hard times that we can all attest to; the secret is to keep your cool in the hard moments. Life is 20% what happens to you and 80% how you react to it. So, let’s end this one differently, if you need help with anything in your life comment below or email me personally. You don’t have to do life alone, friends. As always Be Blessed!!

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