Business Plan Hang Ups

Published on 8 August 2023 at 18:22

Hey friends, listen I’m not good at this whole writing thing mostly because reading is hard for me. I’m trying to write a business plan with what feels like not a lot of business experience. I have a catering business that hasn’t gone anywhere because well marketing sounds so hard. Sitting down to write this big, huge important thing sounds so daunting to get the right funding to get the food truck. If you ask me food questions or like costing questions I could give you a relatively smart answer but business core values, demographics, and market analysis sounds like I need a whole new degree before even thinking about a new endeavor.

The funny thing that’s been running around in my head is that I don’t have to be the smartest person on business I just have to be passionate about my business and be willing to hear a lot of no. You will find the right way to ask for what you need. I’m just starting out on the food truck experience but not in food. I don’t have to be the smartest person in the room to make a difference; I simply have to show up!

I said all this to say the business plan is moving at a snail’s pace at this point, but if I do a little each day it’s progress. Forward progress is all we need to succeed, and little by little I will get to my goal. I don’t necessarily have a recipe for you today as much as I have a cooking technique for you. When cooking any type of meat you need to sear it first meaning you need a small amount of oil and high heat to start the cooking process. This seals all the juice into the meat so when you turn down the heat to finish cooking the moisture and tenderness of the meat will not be lost. Also, before searing is when you season the meat to lock in the flavor.

Well, this ends my random inspirational blog. As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns please leave a comment below. I hope this helped someone who is on the fence of life. Go for it and Be Blessed!!!!  

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