Breakfast Burrito's

Published on 5 June 2023 at 21:48

This week I made a new batch of breakfast burritos for my mom who has diabetes. This normally happens like once every 2 weeks so that she doesn’t stop at some fast-food restaurant and spike her sugar like crazy. I sneak in a bunch of healthy vegetables, so she stays full longer. I make a large batch so we can freeze what she doesn’t use right away.

This reminds me of my internship I had working the breakfast shift for one of the rotations. Three of us walked into the hotel kitchen to hone our skills. While we were there we worked in every station, inventory, and everything the chef had for us to learn. The first 2-week rotation was catering bulk cooking for the banquets, but the second rotation was where I think I learned the most. Breakfast started at 5:30 am so the girl training me and myself started at 5am sharp, and if you were late, you got locked out and had to restart the rotation. The first day the girl asked me if I could run sauté so she could run the griddle. I don’t want to pump myself up too much, but I think I did incredibly well for not cooking many eggs in my life. However, I didn’t realize just how many people liked eggs. In case you didn’t know they love eggs. Anyways we got through service, cleaned up our space, and went to go prep for the next morning. While the young lady got all the biscuits, eggs, bacon, and sausage together I cut the fruit or at least I thought I was. The chef came over and stood over my shoulder to make completely sure I don’t loose any of the useable product when cutting off the outer skin. It was extremely nerve wracking because when I messed up, he threw the pineapple away and told me to start again. I can still hear him say you’re going to get it right if you must stay here all day. That day I didn’t get out of work until 3pm, but he never had to worry again that I was going to drive up his food cost. I eventually got better at prepping fruit, and it defiantly helped me further my skills to get me into jobs that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get without it.

 To make the burritos all you really need is eggs, tortilla, salsa, and whatever you like in your burrito. This is just how I made these for my family. Trying to get as many veggies in as possible. So, I made 2 different types of quiches. One has mushrooms onions bell peppers spinach and the other has bacon bell peppers and spinach. I cook mine at 350 for an hour and the key to let the quiche sit in the oven for about another hour to set completely and come out of the pan without leaving half on the bottom of the pan. I simply chop up the quiche and add cheese and salsa to the tortilla and wrap it. I wrap mine in a napkin and place in a Ziplock bag to keep them fresh for longer.

I hope this helps you get a delicious breakfast.

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