Diabetic BBQ Sauce

Published on 1 June 2023 at 15:00

As I'm driving to work today I'm remembering that I'm trying to start a business, so I should write everything down. I made barbecue sauce for a dish that my husband's making for my parents and I for tonight’s dinner. he couldn't  find the diabetic barbecue sauce. my mom is a diabetic and she has to have a specific diet. she likes to cheat, but I mainly make the sauces and specific things that she wants that she can't have. I'd like to start writing about it, and well at the moment that I'm having this brain child, I am driving to work. she asked me a question that really stuck out to me that everybody seems to be asking. well, what's the secret to being a chef, and why don't you really write anything down? you have to taste it, and I said really it comes down to the specific flavor that I'm wanting for the specific dish that we're making." like this time, I went a little more smokiness, so I put a little bit more chili and Paprika in it than the last couple of times that I made it. I was like, well, the beans and ground beef that you have, you want a little smokier flavor. you've already got a little bit of sweet there, so I want a really back off the sweet and go for the tiny spicy kind of flavor. So this is that recipe it was 1 can of tomato paste on a  small ones a large not a large at 28 Oz crushed tomatoes I don't I don't want what I mean is I want to control amount of sugar that's in it and if I put regular ketchup in it or even no sugar added catch up I can't control that so I put a quarter cup of brown sugar and half a cup of soy sauce in my house we like soy sauce I didn't have any liquid smoke this time so I put three tablespoons of paprika and two tablespoons of chili powder and two tablespoons of cumin I also put a teaspoon of mustard and probably about a cup of mustard as well as a half a cup of apple cider vinegar I had crushed tomatoes I wanted to cook it all down I boiled it for 5 minutes and reduced it and used an immersion blender to get the chunks of the tomatoes out.

Probably the question that I get asked most is how do you what what's the difference between a cook at home and a chef in a restaurant there's really basically two things that are different the amount of salt that you use and the quantity that you make like I could make everything I make it work at home I mean it would cost me a lot more but I have all the equipment at home that I would have at work just on a very small scale I have a fryer I have a oven I have a stove and all of the equipment is there I just fast paced environment.

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