Sloppy Joe's

Published on 1 June 2023 at 13:49

 I don't know if it's because I have such a long drive to work or because this is where I think the best, but most everything I write is really coming from the thoughts I have in the car on the way to work. I work in a very nice restaurant in the evenings, and I write during the day. Last night the guy was working with walk out, He decided that it was too hot for him and he was not having a good day. Mind you this is the homey that every day I work with him has some kind of complaint, something going on, he's not having it, it's not good enough, he's got so many other offers. Honestly, it's just burnt out and that's what happens after a year or two working at a restaurant. Cooks get burnt out of the same thing day after day after day, and it gets a little monotonous and you get a little ready to move on to the next thing. Which sounds about where this guy is at from what I've heard around the kitchen. Anyways back to the story I mean legit fake sick that goes for a little while smoke break or whatever to calm down and then comes back they move him off wok station to pantry where he really doesn't have to do much of anything. He's not really like in the heat or anything. However, he's still not having it still ready to go home so he legit fake sick like puts his fingers down his mouth and throws up. Then hovers around for a couple more minutes and then has to go home. So I had to not only finished the rest of the shift by myself which I had a little bit of help from one of the girls that does prep she shucked my oysters for me but I had hold the entire weight of salads and desserts and fry and make sure that I cleaned it all properly and make sure that I clean the fryers properly which is a whole another story to itself. Anyways basically it boils down to I got off and hour and a half later than I normally do. Sometimes it takes until 11:30 last night I clocked out at like 12:45 and then I had that lovely hour drive to get home, but it gives me a lot of perspective on just sometimes what you think is the best thing you've ever had is someone else's I'm tired of this s***. Someone's I'm so lucky to be here is someone else's I can do so much better, and I have so many more opportunities. It's all in the way that you look at your life. It's all in the way that you perceive, I don't want to go all spiritual or anything, but whatever you believe in whatever your god or creator or if you are grateful good things come to you that might be in the form of you get a more centered, or when you are grateful. That's really what I want to get at is being a better Chef being a more well-rounded person and I'm working on myself and trying to tell other people what is working for me. Honestly, I didn't know that this is where this whole blog is going to go but here, we are. Enough of my babbling thoughts on the way to work and let's get down to the recipe of the week. This weekend was sloppy joes. Mom wanted something that we hadn't had in a while since I think that was not necessarily going to break the bank and thought that I had made sloppy joe with just that they can stuff that was way too sweet and way not what I was going for the taste of the sloppy joes. I had to go have my mom and my husband taste tested because I thought that like I had made it wrong, or it didn't it just didn't taste the way I thought it what I guess without the meat and then when I put the meat in it was a lot better. So just trust your instincts and trust that people that have been put in your life to you know I guess guide you or taste your food or whatever the case may be.



One bell pepper half an onion two tablespoons of diced jalapeno peppers the Pickled ones a teaspoon of cumin a teaspoon of the Italian herb grinder that one's my favorite in case anybody wants to know, and you're just going to sauté all of that down until it's a nice soft and caramelized then you're going to want to add a half a cup of Veggie stock cup of mustard half a cup of your wow of your soy sauce a quarter cup of the Splenda brown sugar and again I used tomato sauce instead of ketchup because I want to be able to control all of the sugar that I'm putting in after that you just need your meat browned and you just throw the sauce into it and that is your sloppy joe my friend.


Thank you so much for reading along. If this is helping in any sort of way, please leave me a comment about what you want to read or see or whatever the case might be, and I will try my hardest to make that work all right well I am pulling up to work and let's have another great week guys thanks for reading along in the life of a crazy.

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