Birthday week went hard this year, so I'm taking this off day to relax. How's about we go back in time and talk about wine making that I wrote a few weeks ago? I find it fascinating how letting grapes ferment/cook can make them into a different drinkable product, and I hope you feel the same way by the end of this blog.
Since I'm at work right now I can't google how long wine has been around but Jesus turned water into wine; so I'm sure its older than him and if he did I'm sure its good for you.
Wine making on paper sounds simple: pick the variety, clean and smash to pull juice out, then add sugar and yeast to ferment, strain and bottle for aging. All of which is time, but the aging process takes for a white wine at least 3 years and at least 5 years for red wine. Google says after 5 years the wine starts to change molecularly making the red wine more complex in flavor. Some red wine is aged in barrels like whiskey, but most are bottled and turned every 6 months to help pull any sediment to the bottom.
As controversial as alcohol is wine is actually good for you in moderation. Moderation meaning a glass of red wine and day for women and 2 glasses of red wine a day for men. The laundry list of health benefits from red wine is extensive but I'm going to run through the highlights. Red wine helps lower bad cholesterol, improve cognitive function, protect from neuro-degenerative diseases, has powerful antioxidants that helps with inflammation, and lastly helps with gut health.
This is exciting for me to learn about. I got Alex a distillery set for his birthday last year, now we're still in the testing recipes stage, but when the Distillery opens yall will be the first to know. Well if we ever get the right size coil, we'll see a difference in the final product. Distilling liquor is done in the same basic process, but instead of bottling to age after the first fermentation you cook the fermented liquor in the still and enjoy. No health benefits ut it's delicious.
Normally my big finally is a recipe but well there really isn't one this week unless yall want me to be patient enough to make a batch. So I guess find you a good tannin filled full body red wine to enjoy and it'll help you in more ways than just winding down from your day. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please comment below or shoot me an email... Be Blessed!
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