I've been slammed all week, and I didn't bring my already written blogs to retype so here we go. Alex and I love watching Guys Grocery Games. One of the contestants was making chicken cordon blue and Alex was mad because it's so easy to make he didn’t think it was fancy anymore. So, let's talk about it while we wait for the tire place to get done with our car.
First and foremost, happy new year! I would have written sooner but I've been slammed at work all week and with moving from the house to the RV. It's been an anxiety learning curve, but I think we're balancing out now. Then I came out last night and had to change the tire to get it fixed this morning.
Normally I Google the item and paraphrase the information, but my brain and nerves are gone today so here we go. Chicken cordon bleu is a fusion of culture and tastes from Switzerland and France and is popular in the United States. According to legend, a chef in Brig faced two large parties arriving at the restaurant on the same night, both claiming reservations. To feed both groups, she sliced chicken into thin schnitzels, added ham and Swiss cheese, rolled them up, breaded, and fried them. The restaurant owner was so impressed that he offered her a "cordon bleu" ribbon, the highest culinary honor. The chef was modest and suggested naming the dish "cordon bleu" instead. The term "cordon bleu" is French for "blue ribbon" and refers to the blue ribbon or sash worn by the Chevaliers du Saint-Esprit, the highest order of knighthood under the Bourbon kings.
How was I going to put that much in my own words, hopefully nobody gets me for that one. I used this description because it covers the background and how to make it. My blood pressure is up to the ceiling dealing with the incompetence over here so I'm looking forward to cutting this week short on writing. I'll be finishing those products to be dropped and the blog for it hopefully this week. If not, it’s wine making and my birthday plans then next week it'll finally happen. As always if you have any questions comments or concerns, please comment below or shoot me a text... Be Blessed!
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