Swedish Meatballs

Published on 18 July 2023 at 20:56

There’s something almost memorizing about getting your hair cut; I swear I fight sleep every time I go. Maybe it’s so relaxing because it’s a reset on not just your hair but my mood personally. That has literally nothing to do with food or todays blog, but my random thought of the day is about taking moments to relax. Well, that is until I went to get my haircut today and some drunk old lady ran into my car and tried to bolt. Alex was about to lose his ever-loving mind and I simply called the cops and had them deal with the little old lady. That was traumatic to say the least. My poor car is looking rough but needless to say when I got out of the salon chair legit rolling laughing at this saucy old man next to me hitting on the hairstylist at least 30 years his junior it made my day. We went on to see a beautifully restored old train depo after a quick lunch at our favorite sub shop. I thought for dinner id make something delicious easy and relatively healthy. Tonight, on the menu is Swedish Meatballs over egg noodles.

Normally id make meatballs and cook them in the oven and make the noodles and sauce from scratch but today I'm using storebought to save time and energy. I don’t do it often but I'm having a lazy evening in bed with my favorite racing game on the PlayStation.

My very quick google search before starting to write this tells me that it was brought to Turkey by a Swedish king back in the 1800s. I know them from Ikea, and I’m biased as all get out when I say I think mine are better when I take the time to make them from scratch.

My quick recipe calls for 1 onion small diced, 1 cup milk, 1 bag frozen meatballs, ½ cup beef broth or stock, 4 oz cream cheese, and egg noodles. First cook the meatballs according to the package. My guess is in the oven on 350 for 25 minutes. Dice onion and cook in a skillet on medium low heat until translucent. Then add stock and milk to skillet and reduce by half. While that’s cook your egg noodles according to the bag and drain them. Cut up the cream cheese and stir into the sauce until there melted in. Add meatballs in and turn sauce to low for 5 mins to marry the flavors together. All that’s left is to enjoy.

Thank you so much for all of you reading this. It started out as just a way to remember all the recipes and stories from my past as a chef but now its become like a very therapeutic experience to sit down every Monday or in today’s case Tuesday and tell you all, my new friends, about my week and my thought and feelings. As always if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please either email or send a note at the end of this post. Yall rock and I’ll see yall next week.

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