Indian Tacos

Published on 16 July 2024 at 22:47

It’s been an odd week, and I haven’t had a lot of time to cook for the family. To be completely honest this blog might be more rant like than most and if you don’t want to read on, I understand. There is a randomly made Indian taco night receipt at the end if you want to skip a paragraph or two.

   I feel like I’m at a crossroads this week. It’s hard to explain so I’ll try to pluck it from my head and put it on paper. I feel like I’ve outgrown where I’m at, but I haven’t been given the space and nurturing to get to the next level. That’s the story of my life that’s why I talk to yall about my feelings and not the people that are supposed to be listening. These feelings are causing my anxiety to go bananas and but heads with the inferior people put in place to supervise me. For the longest I didn’t know what to call the feeling of anxiety because my family hid a lot of the mental illness that runs in my family. Alex says I need to talk about it but how do I politely tell my bosses that they’re underqualified to be at this level? I don’t have enough tact to do so. At any rate I still must walk into work and deal with these people, so I’ll do my best to calmly do my job to the best of my ability. After all I did turn down the offer to work in the administration I’m complaining about, so I don’t have much room to complain, I guess.

   Ok I’m climbing off my soapbox now. I apologize if I’m sounding conceded or self-centered. The random Indian taco night came about because I had seen a reel on Instagram about Indian street food and needing to clean out the refrigerator. This one was simple, yet it took longer than I thought to make. I forgot to thaw the chicken thighs and just stuck them in the oven with a can of rotel tomatoes, cumin, turmeric, curry powder, cinnamon, paprika, Italian seasoning, and garlic powder. Then I took about a cup of the tomato and spice mix sauteed that with a cup of onion diced I had in the fridge then added the water and rice steamed it until the water evaporated. Then I didn’t know if the fam wanted tacos or whole thighs, so I cut up more onion, tomato, and romaine lettuce in case someone wanted it. After that I thought it might be too spicy for my dad, so I made a sauce out of sour cream, celery sticks, baby bell peppers, and dill pickles. I shredded all the veggies and mixed with the sour crem for a quick sauce. It was chaotic and messy in the kitchen, but it was a slam dunk for the belly.  

  I’m glad I was able to get some of that off my chest and hopefully some of the anxiety and unknowns will be answered this week and ill be able to share some good news. As always if you have any questions, comments, or concerns; please don’t hesitate to contact me through email on the contact page or comment below… Be Blessed!

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