Buffalo Chicken Wraps

Published on 16 January 2024 at 23:29

Let’s talk about fears and buffalo chicken wraps this week because I’m having both. I finally broke down and went to the dentist. I’ve needed to go for at least a month, but I haven’t been in probably 10 years. It was a combination of my lack of insurance. Most of the places I have worked haven’t had an option for health insurance, and cooks don’t make enough to afford good health insurance. I won’t get on a tangent on this subject, but you can imagine I’m passionate about the subject. Instead, I want to tell you about the sweetest ladies that work in my dentist’s office, and of course we got to eat something.

Now like I said I haven’t been to the doctor in a very long time, so I’m definitely freaking out this morning when I had finally had enough of this horrible pain in my mouth. I had to wait till this afternoon but they got me in to see what was happening. My poor husband got dragged along for the ride he says to make sure I actually go, and I say because he is my emotional support human. He is literally my rock, and has defiantly been there for me. The amazing humans that work at the dentist’s office were so sweet and made me feel right at home. There were a few tough love moments of hey if you want to keep a good smile I need to take care of myself. There were scary moments and financing, but I broke down and made the appointments and plans to get my teeth fixed.

Well now that my torture has begun, I needed something soft to eat for lunch so I choose to make some buffalo chicken wraps. I even went the easier was and bought a rotisserie chicken from the new grocery store by my house. Its called Publics and it’s pretty amazing. It feels like a broke girls whole foods and I’m impressed. Anyways, I mixed up my buffalo sauce which is franks hot sauce and just a little melted butter and once I picked the chicken off the bone I coated chicken in the sauce. I cut up some romaine lettuce. Then assembled my wrap; which starts with a flour tortilla drizzle with ranch add a small handful of chicken and romaine and wrap it up for lunch and a cup of hummus with pretzels.

Speaking of wraps I’m gonna do this weeks wrap up a bit differently, do the things that scare you. Whatever that looks like and I promise you its not as bad as you think its going to be. And if you have any questions comments or concerns please email me or comment below. Also its cold outside check out Alexs awesome beanies! Stay warm and Be Blessed!!!!!

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