Banana Split

Published on 24 June 2024 at 17:36

My parents are out of town this week for a family member that needs your prayers. I'm not going to get into that topic, so pray in whatever way you can. That also means that we can go a little wild on desserts. Alex is a banana split loving man, so as always, I asked 700 questions because of the different textures that might be there. Here's my research and thoughts on DIY Banana Splits.

According to the Google monster the first banana split was made in Latrobe, Pennsylvania by David "Doc" Strickler, an optometrist who also owned a drug store with a soda fountain in 1904. Traditional banana split is made when you cut a banana in half long ways add 3 scoops of ice cream and strawberry and chocolate sauce with pineapple chunks whipped cream and cherries.

Just like I always tell y'all. If that's not your speed add what you want or have on hand. We got a Neapolitan ice cream and used 2 bananas on the bottom. Alex says there's never enough banana for all the rest of the toppings but that’s his preference. I had banana left over after my ice cream, but it was delicious. Alex forwent the whipped cream for chopped nuts and crushed pineapple, but again make it how you want to and enjoy. After Alex making me one, I have to say I'm a believer. It was delicious. Now obviously because of my texture aversion I didn't go crazy with the toppings, but it was a huge step for me. 

Well as usual it took 2 weeks to remember to post this. If any of you have any recommendations for getting my home/work/hobbies to balance out, please let me know. As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or comment below.

Be blessed!

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