Avocado Toast

Published on 25 May 2024 at 14:05

This week has been incredibly difficult emotionally. I lost an extremely close family member while my husband was in surgery so I'm all over the place. The only thing I've been able to stomach is avocado toast.

I learned to make it when I was working in a private school. My cold chef showed me that the avocado needs to be treated or seasoned well for it to be delicious. She always put cumin salt pepper and lime juice in hers and mashed it like she was mad at the world, but as she used to tell me you got to show those things whose boss.

Since my emotions are raw as hell so I'm going to just finish this guy up with the recipe and take a nap. I toasted my bread in bacon fat which I highly recommend. I didn't have any lime juice to save the avocado from turning brown, so I used pickle juice. I used cumin Italian season turmeric and salt and pepper to season the mix. The toppings are whatever you want them to be. I used bacon, salsa, lettuce, and tomato. Normally I fry an egg too, but I didn't have any.

Sorry I'm so rigid but I'm feeling zombie like this week. As always if you have any question, comments, or concerns please reach out to me through an email or comment below. Be Blessed!! 

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