Chicken Marsala

Published on 12 December 2023 at 19:31

The roasted mushrooms make my heart sing. There are so many tricks and tips I have, and amazing memories connected to this one I had to make even though I stuck a chair next to the stove because my first case of pneumonia is kicking my literal ass at this moment... I'm making my food dang it!

 Quick back story on marsala it's a wine made in Italy. Fun fact Google just told me the wine is named after the city in Sicily; google also says to keep your head on a swivel if you go to Sicily for some pizza because they'll rob you blind but if you go to the west side of Louisville do the same my dudes.

   I first heard about marsala sauce in culinary school in my stock’s soups and sauces class. The kid that made it failed miserably so I stayed away until I tried it at a chain restaurant. They made it better but used it there as like a gravy for their potatoes, and honestly, I'm not a huge fan of gravy... textures aren't my jam! Pete, my old mentor did it in a way that changed my mind. He took care in crisping up the chicken and mushrooms as well as using broth and cream to fortify the sauce and make it over the top amazing.

 In honor of my mentor, I give you my chicken marsala. First and foremost, mise in place meaning everything in place. The layman's terms it means get your ingredients together before cooking your meal. Cut your 1/2 onion 3 medium cloves of garlic 1 lb. mushrooms I prefer button or cremini mushrooms but dealers’ choice. Beat to flatten and bread your chicken breast; bread meaning to coat with flour egg wash and Italian breadcrumbs cool for 30 minutes before either shallow frying in a frying pan or in a deep fryer. You can use thigh, but it gives it a gamey taste. Obviously get your marsala wine beef stock and heavy cream and a healthy appetite.

 Then you get to cook it. Always start with a hot pan and a lot of oil to sauté the mushrooms and since I'm using an air fryer, I'm starting the sauce. Once your mushrooms are about done throw in your onion then salt and pepper. This one is important never salt your mushrooms when you’re cooking them, they will finally let their juices out and the onion will absorb it all. Then put the garlic in, stir 4 times and add the marsala wine. Reduce it by half, which is also important. To reduce you bring to boil reduce heat to low to simmer. Then add the rest of the liquids. Do the same reducing method and when it's Nappa or when it coats the back of a spoon you run your finger down the middle and the sauce doesn't move your done. Cut the heat and make your sides or eat it solo. Either way enjoy.

 As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns please reach out via email or comment below.

 Stay well my friends’ happy holidays and Be Blessed!!!

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