Life Update

Published on 4 September 2024 at 02:17

I had a whole informative blog written and ready to post and then well life happened, and I thought it was boring, so it’ll stay a draft until I feel like I’m ready or I lose an entire week again. Sorry I’m so late with this week. My days all run together because my schedule has no more pattern anymore.  Well, here’s the ranting of a sick chef that is used to just powering through.

I’m sure at some point in all these words there will probably be a reasoning or like a moment of clarity but right now I just got back from a mini vacation with my husband which was much needed prepaid for, and we were both sick from some virus my mom brought back from Kansas City. Which I’ve been meaning to give yall my crazy story on how I never made it to my destination. So yall remember like 2 weeks ago I was going to Kansas City for the celebration of life for my grandpa, well here’s the real tea.

 The flight crew on the first flight didn’t come in until at least 30 mins after we were supposed to take off after I almost wasn’t granted a seat because they overbooked the flight. I was supposed to work the night before but because I switched rolls at work, I was able to have the day off. My husband had an allergic reaction to something the night before and had taken some Benadryl, so he took a nap in the parking lot until he felt safe to drive home. Once we finally got to Detroit where I only had a 30 min layover scheduled before this crazy morning happen. I rushed off the plane once we landed after being blocked from getting off for the 15 mins, I needed to run across the airport. The person at the gate I was at couldn’t even be bothered to acknowledge me the first 3 times I spoke, so I started walking as quickly as I could because running wasn’t an option; I’m too big for all that. I finally got to the other side of the airport to find the plane gone, naturally. The lady at the gate gave me a hug and pointed me in the direction of the help desk where this poor young lady had to tell me I wasn’t going to make it in time for the celebration, so after deliberating I decided for them to send me home and get a refund. I could have shown up late and rode the 24 hours back in the back of my parents’ car, but in my mind, I was already beside myself and all my clothes I sent with my parents, so I looked like a bum. My nerves are shot, and I just wanted to go home instead of being bounced through 3 more airports where the same thing could have happened again. The craziest part is when I contacted the airline to get a refund my husband said he saw an email that we were only getting a $35 refund he deleted the email and called them himself. I have been a terror to be around for weeks because of this and what’s happening at work, and he didn’t want me to blow a gasket.

Speaking of what’s happening at work lets give you some back story I work at a casino. I started the day they opened as a server. I applied to be a bartender because well it’s easy with my background in food to mix liquor as you would food to get a great drink. I was told since I didn’t have any formal experience that I could start as a server and gain experience and move into the role. I didn’t know that gaining experience would start basically from day 1. So, when they started calling me for bartending shifts a year ago, I started the process of training to be a bartender. I took all the shifts no one else wanted in our service bar out of necessity of getting my job done. I started about 6 months ago asking to be changed over to being a bartender and about a month ago it finally happened, and I’m thrilled we set my schedule for the first 3 weeks granted in service bar. I’m ok with that because the schedule was already out, and I was just filling in where they could find a spot to get the hours. I sent an email in the middle of those few weeks to thank my supervisor and ask how long I was to be in that current bar. On a side note, service bar makes 18.50 an hour because the girls don’t tip the bartender. We decided that in the beginning to make sure we were able to keep our tips and walk out every night with cash. The girls have been as generous as they can but I’m only bringing in half of what I was before, so I went rouge when no one answered my emails or had no answer when I asked directly and went to the big head boss guy and got the other bosses in trouble. After the supervisor I emailed even forgot to put me on the schedule. So, I decided to try and call a truce and called a meeting with the mid-level manager and were supposed to have it fixed for next week. I remain cautiously hopeful that things will get better. Ill spill more tea when I have it, because right now there’s a lot up in the air.

If you have read this far, you’re one of real table fans and I greatly appreciate you hanging with me through this thing called life. As always if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don’t hesitate to email me or comment below… Be Blessed!


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